Bay Nature magazineSpring 2004


Altamont Pass Wind Debate

April 1, 2004

In the January-March 2004 issue of Bay Nature, Ear to the Ground covered the deaths of hundreds of raptors each year at the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area in Livermore. In response to the large numbers of bird kills in east Contra Costa and Alameda Counties, the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) sent an appeal to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors protesting the renewal of more than 1,400 wind turbine permits. Bay Nature has recently learned that the appeal will be heard on May 6. CBD has also filed a lawsuit against two of the main energy producers who, combined, operate approximately half of the turbines at Altamont Pass. CBD hopes to encourage Altamont wind energy producers to retire particularly lethal turbines, install safer replacements, and better manage grazing land for the protection of the raptors. A hearing date has not yet been set for this suit.

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