Bay Nature magazineSpring 2001


Baylands Ecosystem and Community Profiles

April 1, 2001

A new resource is available for anyone interested in learning more about the fish and wildlife that live in and around San Francisco Bay. Baylands Ecosystem Species and Community Profiles was released in January by the San Francisco Bay Area Wetlands Ecosystem Goals Project. This 408-page, large format publication contains the life histories and environmental requirements of more than 100 key species of fish and wildlife that live in the baylands, as well as descriptions of the habitats that support them. The report is a companion to the Baylands Ecosystem Habitat Goals Report that came out in March 1999. The Goals Report presented a vision for the types, amounts, and distributions of habitats that are needed to sustain healthy and diverse populations of fish and wildlife in the San Francisco estuary. For more information, or to purchase a copy ($25), contact Debbi Nichols at the San Francisco Estuary Project at (510)622-2304.

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