Bay Nature magazineWinter 2003


100th Anniversary of Pelican Island Federal Wildlife Refuge

January 1, 2003

Speaking of birthdays, March 14, 2003, marks the 100th anniversary of the creation of the first federal wildlife refuge in the United States, Florida’s Pelican Island. Originally set aside to provide a safe haven for migratory birds in their breeding and wintering habitats, Pelican Island was the first of many National Wildlife Refuges selected for its strategic location along migratory waterbird breeding grounds and flyways. The Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge in the South Bay will be one of 538 sites across the country commemorating the anniversary with the presentation of a time capsule (to be opened in 2103). The Refuge will also present a play at Ohlone College entitled The Tramp and the Roughrider, about the relationship between John Muir and President Teddy Roosevelt, two men influential in the creation of the refuge system. For more information, contact Carmen at (510) 792-0222 or visit

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