Bay Nature magazineSummer 2007


San Pablo Baylands Agencies and Organizations

July 1, 2007

The Bay Institute of San Francisco

Works with public agencies and nonprofits to promote wetlands restoration around San Pablo Bay, including a partnership with Dept. of Fish & Game and Sonoma County Water Agency on the use of reclaimed water for the Napa-Sonoma Marsh project.


California Department of Fish and Game

Manages the Petaluma Marsh, Napa Sonoma State Wildlife Area, Napa Plant Site, and other wetlands throughout San Pablo Bay.


Coastal Conservancy

Provides funding and oversight for wetlands restoration projects all around San Pablo Bay, including Napa-Sonoma Marsh, Cullinan Ranch, Sears Point, Sonoma Baylands, Hamilton-Bel Marin Keys, Petaluma Marsh, and Bahia. Also manages Sonoma Baylands.


Ducks Unlimited

Works with a variety of property owners (including USFWS, DFG, Marin Audubon, and Sonoma Land Trust) to design, construct, and monitor wetlands restoration projects in the North Bay. Partnered with Save the Bay for native plant restoration efforts along Tolay Creek.


Friends of the Petaluma River

Celebrates and conserves the Petaluma River, its wetlands, and its wildlife by promoting stewardship through access opportunities, educational materials, and conservation programs.


Friends of the San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge

Supports protection, restoration, and wildlife in the San Pablo Baylands and increasing public awareness and enjoyment of this habitat through education and direct experience.

Madrone Audubon Society

The Petaluma Wetlands Alliance (PWA), a committee of Madrone Audubon, is dedicated to the protection and stewardship of publicly accessible wetlands and wildlife habitats in the Petaluma River watershed.

Gerald Moore, Chair:


Bird walk at Rush Creek and Las Gallinas Pond

Thursday, September 27

8:30 a.m.

Meet at Rush Creek Preserve in Novato.

Tom McCuller, (415)546-1812

Marin Audubon Society

Protects wetlands habitat through acquisition and restoration projects around San Pablo Bay, including Bahia and Petaluma Marsh properties. Also offers occasional public field trips and bird walks in the area.


Field trip to Tubbs Island

Sunday, September 16

9 a.m.

Meet at Tolay Creek parking lot off Hwy 37.

PRBO Conservation Science

Works to conserve birds and their habitats through scientific research and outreach, to ensure that science guides habitat restoration and conservation activities. In the North Bay, PRBO has partnered in interdisciplinary efforts examining wetland restorations, including the Integrated Regional Wetland Monitoring Pilot Project, the BREACH project, and the Bahia restoration.


The San Francisco Bay Trail Project

Participates in habitat restoration and trail improvement projects to provide public access all around San Francisco Bay; there are currently 11 miles of Bay Trail along the Highway 37 corridor.


San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge (USFWS)

A unit of the San Francisco Bay NWR Complex, established as a sanctuary for migratory waterfowl and endangered wetlands species. The Refuge currently consists of 13,190 acres of open water, salt marsh, upland habitat, and agricultural lands along the northern shoreline of San Pablo Bay. (707)769-4200

Save the Bay

Sponsors outings and restoration work days in the North Bay, as part of its work to protect, restore and celebrate San Francisco Bay. It also partners with USFWS of the San Pablo Bay NWR native plant nursery at Sears Point.


Sonoma Land Trust

Owns the Sears Point property and conservation easements on other properties along Highway 37. The trust is responsible for planning and overseeing the Sears Point restoration project. Occasional public outings.


Wildlife Conservation Board

State funding agency of the Department of Fish and Game; has contributed funding for most San Pablo Bay wetlands projects, including Napa-Sonoma Marshes.


A public outreach project of the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture, dedicated to informing Bay Area residents about the value of wetlands with a weekly podcast program, audio tours, and interpretive signage. Learn about local wetlands, wildlife, restoration projects, and the people doing the work with the free downloadable audio tour and podcast program at:


Highway 37 wetlands audio tour, to be played as you drive along the scenic route. Tells the story of the San Pablo Baylands: their history, the wildlife, and current restoration projects (18 minutes; free download).

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