Bay Nature magazineFall 2003


Book Review: Plants of the San Francisco Bay Region: Mendocino to Monterey

October 1, 2003

by Linda H. Beidleman and Eugene N. Kozloff, University of California Press, 2003, 505 pages, $29.95 (


Book, Plants of SF Bay

Linda H. Beidleman, an instructor at UC Berkeley’s Jepson Herbarium, and Eugene N. Kozloff, a professor at University of Washington, have put together a revised edition of Plants of the San Francisco Bay Region: Mendocino to Monterey. Updating the 1994 first edition, this new volume combines previously separate keys to trees and shrubs and gives the current scientific names according to the 1993 Jepson Manual.

Identifying plants by both common and scientific names, the keys are assembled to make Bay Area species identifi-cation as simple as possible for users, whether they are amateur naturalists, students, or professionals. The book encompasses more than 2,000 species of locally occurring trees, ferns, shrubs, wildflowers, and weeds. The plant keys are accompanied by fine line drawings and followed by 64 color photo plates and detailed plant structure drawings. The book includes a conser-vation section highlighting native plant organizations, as well as a helpful section on the principal regional plant communities and their environments.

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