point molate

A New Chapter in the Fight for Point Molate


Last March, Richmond officials announced that they’d chosen SunCal to develop a housing and renovation project on Point Molate, a small headland just north of the Richmond Bridge. The project has vocal opponents who, among other concerns, worry over the … Read more

The Sea Beneath Us


Sea level rise has a gotcha-from-
behind twin: rising groundwater. It’s already here. And some experts
maintain, we’re not ready for it.


Do Parks Push People Out?


Parks improve health and fight climate change. But not all parks affect a community in the same way — and the question is: “Who’s it for?”

The Man Who Sees the Trash


Richard James, who keeps the beaches of Point Reyes as litter-free as he can, has an obsessive eye for the discordant note of trash. His life as a park volunteer comes with a lesson: You learn strange things when you pick up after the world.