ParkRx—Forest Bathing Walk


The practice of Forest Therapy has been shown to improve health and well-being. Have you heard about “Shinrin-yoku” or “forest bathing”? Here is an opportunity to take a walk and experience the practice for yourself. Learn techniques to maximize the … Read more

ParkRx—Yoga Hike


Enjoy your yoga experience in the beautiful setting of our park! Susan Topf’s Yoga Hike balances a mix of easy hiking and gentle yoga postures, breath work and guided meditation, no mat necessary. The route varies on weather conditions and … Read more

Park Rx – Forest Bathing Walk


Have you heard about Shinrin-yoku or forest bathing? Here is an opportunity to walk and experience the practice for yourself! Learn techniques to maximize the health benefits and stress-reducing qualities with this walking practice. Shinrin-yoku originated in Japan and is … Read more