Aleta George

Writer Aleta George trained as a Jepson Prairie docent in 2009. In addition to writing Bay Nature's Ear to the Ground column, she has written for Smithsonian, High Country News, and the Los Angeles Times.

Fall Hawk Watch, Open During Construction


Every year for more than a quarter century, the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory has presided over fall hawk watch in the Marin Headlands, when thousands of raptors migrate by, and thousands of people gather to watch. This year, road construction has the hawk watchers shifting slightly, but still out in force.

Prop 21 Promises New Day for State Parks


On November 2, voters will decide if California should do something it has never done before: provide dedicated funding for its state parks. Beyond curing the parks’ seemingly endless maintenance backlog, the new funding promises increased public access and educational programs.

Saving the Bay’s Sharks


October 2010 is the second-annual Sharktoberfest–time to celebrate and learn about these critical predators of the Bay: sevengill cowsharks, leopard sharks, spiny dogfish, and more.

Jack Laws on Loving Nature


Naturalist and artist Jack Laws throws his whole body and soul into inspiring people to love, and understand, the natural world around them. His field guides are amazing, but have you seen his impersonation of a jumping spider? Not to be missed…

Tarantula Trekking


Come fall, the male tarantulas get restless and go looking for a mate. Look carefully, and you just might see some of the action.

The Long, Slow Spill of the Luckenbach


We don’t even have a word for an oil spill that drags out over five decades, but that’s just what happened with one ship that sank off the Golden Gate. Now, funds are flowing to help mend the damage.

Gambling on Grass at Point Molate


Native plant advocates charge that the studies done for the proposed casino at Richmond’s Point Molate ignore the site’s rare collection of native grasses.